package engines
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- class ArXiv[F[_]] extends SearchEngine[F]
- class Bing[F[_]] extends SearchEngine[F]
- class DuckDuckGo[F[_]] extends SearchEngine[F]
- class Duden[F[_]] extends SearchEngine[F]
- class Google[F[_]] extends SearchEngine[F]
- class NationalArchivesUK[F[_]] extends SearchEngine[F]
- class NationalArchivesUSA[F[_]] extends SearchEngine[F]
- abstract class SearchEngine[F[_]] extends AnyRef
The basic definition of a search engine.
The basic definition of a search engine. All engines must implement this class.
- F
A higher kinded type which is usually an applicative or monad in the concrete application.
- abstract class SearchEngineParser[F[_]] extends AnyRef
The basic definition of a parser used to convert the raw output of a search engine into a collection of results.
The basic definition of a parser used to convert the raw output of a search engine into a collection of results.
Each search engine is supposed to provide a custom class instance for this.
- F
A higher kinded type which is usually an applicative or monad in the concrete application.
- sealed trait SearchEngineParserPatternType extends Product with Serializable
The different types of patterns used by a SearchEngineParser.
The different types of patterns used by a SearchEngineParser.
Each pattern is supposed to extract a certain kind of information from a given search engine output.
- class Yahoo[F[_]] extends SearchEngine[F]
- class Yandex[F[_]] extends SearchEngine[F]
Value Members
- object ArXiv
- object Bing
- object DuckDuckGo
- object Duden
- object Google
- object NationalArchivesUK
- object NationalArchivesUSA
- object SearchEngineParserPatternType extends Serializable
- object SearchEnginesLoader
- object Yahoo
- object Yandex